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2nd Annual Essay Writing Competition

The second annual essay-writing competition held in Akwa Ibom state was a huge success, surpassing the previous year's event in both size and quality. Our nonprofit organization was proud to organize the event, which brought together 20 schools from across the state.

The competition took place in Uyo E-Library, with finalists seated at individual writing stations. As in the previous year, the finalists were given a prompt or topic to write about, and the writing period began while the speakers took the stage. The speakers were experts in various fields related to the topic and provided inspiration and guidance to the finalists as they wrote.

All students and event organizers were provided with meals during the event, ensuring that they were well-fed and energized throughout the day. This was made possible through the generous donations of individuals and organizations who supported our nonprofit's mission to empower young people.

The judges moved around the room, observing and evaluating the participants' work, and the top three winners were selected based on various criteria, including creativity, originality, and quality of writing. Prizes were awarded to the top performers, providing an opportunity for talented young writers to showcase their skills.

Overall, the second annual essay-writing competition was a significant improvement over the previous year's event. The larger turnout and improved facilities made for a more exciting and dynamic competition, and the addition of meals for the participants ensured that they were well taken care of throughout the day. Our nonprofit organization is proud to have organized such a successful event and looks forward to continuing to inspire and empower young people through similar programs and activities.

April 29

1st Annual Essay Writing Competition

April 24

3rd Annual Essay Writing Competition