Neriah in a green dress holding a microphone

Voice Unleashed: Empowering Youth for Impact

I’ll start with a quote from Ayn Rand. she said: “The question isn't who's going to let me— it’s who’s going to stop me.”

Now, I'm here to tell you that those ideas are worthwhile. In fact, there is no limit to what you can do; anything is possible. You are in a perfect position for exponential growth. Whatever your passion is, I urge you to pursue it. Don't let the world's expectations hold you back. Have an unwavering belief in your own potential and don't concern yourself with seeking external validation. You have the power to shape your own future, your own career. Ask yourself, "What is the world I want to live in when I am older?" and work towards creating that world.

The path to empowerment starts with making your voice heard. Your thoughts and opinions matter. Realize that you are empowered by your own thinking, and it is through this realization that you can get the world to start listening. It all begins with a single action, a single act of kindness, a single instance of speaking up, or fighting for a cause you believe in. These small steps pave the way for self-empowerment. Be bold, be confident, and be respectful, but never be afraid to stand out. Don't blend in with the crowd. Define your own story and set your own standards. The great icons and legends of our time didn't become extraordinary by conforming to expectations; they carved their own paths and exceeded boundaries. Follow their lead and dare to be different.

—spoken excerpt from May 2022 season