Embrace Rejection, Embrace Growth

with every story of success, there is a story of rejection. you wouldn’t know, because people aren’t quick to celebrate rejection. In fact, most try to hide it. But it is in the face of rejection that fear and procrastination thrive. So don't let it get to you. Because even if you don’t win the race the first time, you still build muscle that will help you achieve your goals the next time.

In light of this, I encourage you to view adolescence not as a period of irresponsibility and naivete, but rather as a critical time for growth and learning. By challenging ourselves to take on difficult tasks and step out of our comfort zones, we can build a foundation for success in our adult lives.

Let us not limit ourselves to the standards set for us by society. Instead, let us strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives, setting an example for future generations to follow.

So, to reiterate, if there is anything you must take from me today, it is this: do hard things, and do not let fear stop you. Because to get something youève never had, you have to do something you've never done.

—spoken excerpt from April 2023 season